Launch of RapidRide

Launch of RapidRide

Kristine Lium


Published 05 Feb 2025


Introducing RapidRide – the ultimate starter kit for EV companies!

Vidde Mobility together with STILRIDE has decided to lend out our software platform to help accelerate the EV community. To do this we have put together something we wish we had ourselves which is a free starter kit for EV vehicles including:
– The software platform we’ve developed and are currently running
– A central computer (VCU) to connect all the dots
– Expert consulting to get it working in your vehicle

Why? Because we know from our own experience that the moment when you can showcase a running vehicle, is when your journey as a EV company truly begins!


Please spread the word so we can help out where most needed and visit the RapidRide site to learn more:
